Risto Sarvas, D.Sc.(Tech.)



Visiting Address:
Open Innovation House, 2nd floor
Otaniementie 19
02150 Espoo

Postal Address:
P.O. Box 19800
00076 Aalto

+358 50 384 1553 

+358 9 694 9768




I have been a researcher since 2000, and from 2011 I have worked primarily as the head of ux & service design at a Finnish software company Futurice. I'm also a docent (i.e., adjunct professor, reader) at the Aalto University School of Science.

My latest major academic work is a book co-authored by David Frohlich and published by Springer in February 2011. It is on domestic photography as a socio-technical system in transition: "From Snapshots to Social Media – The Changing Picture of Domestic Photography".

I have worked in the Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT since 2001. In 2008-2011 I ran the Self-Made Media research group at HIIT. In 2002-03 I was a visiting scholar in the School of Information (iSchool) at the University of California, Berkeley. The year 2009 I was a visiting fellow at the Digital World Research Centre in University of Surrey, UK. 

I got my doctoral degree from the Helsinki University of Technology (TKK) in December 2006. The dissertation was about domestic photography, metadata and software design. I'm still very proud that the thesis was awarded by the Finnish Information Processing Association, it was also one of the 17 finalists for the ERCIM Cor Baayen Award 2007, and the thesis was one of the two theses from the CS department nominated for the TKK thesis of the year.

Blog Posts & Writings

Julkishallinnon tietotekniikka on päivitettävä 2010-luvulle (10.10.2011)
Privacy is a techie problem... isn't it? (2.9.2011)
Slut Innovations (10.8.2011)
What can a century of no innovation teach media technology? (19.4.2011)
What Should They Teach In High School? (14.4.2011)
The Danger of Asking Users (31.3.2011)
Smörgåsbord or À la carte for the end-users? (25.1.2011)
Wave High School, Finland (16.2.2009)
Jahuu! Pysyykö Suomi menossa mukana? (22.10.2008)
iPhone ja rottien vallankumous (26.6.2008)
Web 2.0:aa lapsiperheille (8.3.2008)
Morkkis ja myötähäpeä yhteisöpalveluiden arkiset uhat (1.2.2008)
"Paper 2.0" -joululahjavinkki (20.12.2007)
The Paper 2.0 Pamphlet (22.11.2007)
Seniori-Facebook (24.9.2007)


Lehmuskallio, A and Sarvas, R. 2012. The roles mediations take in networked camera use. Sources of trouble or possibilities? The 5th William A. Kern Conference on Visual Communication, Rochester Institute of Technology, May 3-5, 2012.

Sarvas, R. and Frohlich DM. 2011. From snapshot to social media: the changing picture of domestic photography. Springer, London.

Frohlich, DM., and Sarvas R. 2011. HCI and innovation. CHI 2011.

Lehmuskallio, A., and Sarvas, R. 2010. The Agency of ICT in Shaping Non-Professional Photo Use. The Nordic Network of Visual Studies 2010 Workshop, Stockholm, Sweden.

Ren, K., Sarvas, R., Ćalić, J. Interactive search and browsing interface for large-scale visual repositories. Multimedia Tools and Applications (online), Springer 2010. PDF

See all >>

Popular Media

Näin VR sotki lippujärjestelmänsä - Miksi it-projektit epäonnistuvat?
Suomen Kuvalehti, 30.1.2012

Julkishallinnon tietotekniikka on päivitettävä 2010-luvulle
Helsingin Sanomat, 8.10.2011

Näppäilijä naputtelee nyt kännykkäkameraa,
Helsingin Sanomat, 1.5.2011

Digikuvansa voi menettää verkkoon.
Hämeen Sanomat, 26.3.2011

Kiehtova Apple haluaa kuluttajan kontrolliinsa
Kuningaskuluttaja, 3.2.2011

Tietotekniikan helppokäyttöisyys voi rajoittaa arkeamme
Helsingin Sanomat, Mielipide, 16.1.2011

Valokuvasta tullut uudenlainen hyödyke
Tietysti.fi, syksy 2010

Hopeinen hyökyaalto
ET-lehti, 14/2009
(Seniorit valtaavat netin, NettiET 7.9.2009)

Teknologialaboratorio Suomi, versio 2.0
T-Lehti, 4/2008

Paper 2.0: Let me design my own paper products!
Myllykoski SalesTalk, 2/2008

Henkistä hyvinvointia valokuvista
Duodecim, 8/2008

Public / Invited talks

From Snapshots to Social Media
Bilder för Framtiden, Stockholm 25.-26.4.2012

Dissolving of Domestic Photography into Information Technology
Helsinki Photomedia 2012 (29.3.2012).

EU's Digital Agenda, and why should we care
IxDA Helsinki (22.9.2011)

Privacy is a techie problem, isn't it?
OtaSizzle Privacy Workshop, Aalto University (August, 2011)

Sosiaalinen media työkäytössä: ideat, yhteistyö ja markkinointi
Suomen säveltäjät ry. (7.6.2011)

Identiteetti, yhteenkuuluvuus ja tarinankerronta: 170 vuotta sosiaalista mediaa
Sosiaalisen median seminaarisarja, Palmenia (17.5.2011)

Technology Design: acknowledging the intertwined relationship between technology and values
Aalto Social Impact (14.4.2011)

Will you be able to access your photos in 2050?
The Future of Domestic Photography Seminar , The Finnish Museum of Photography (30.3.2011)

170 vuotta sosiaalista mediaa
Fujitsu Finland (15.2.2011)

Mitä insinööritiede ja yhteiskuntatieteet voisivat oppia toisiltaan
Media and Communication Studies, University of Helsinki (18.1.2011)

Näppäilyä ja kotikuvausta
Fiilisfotarit/Kameraseura ry (2.11.2010)

From snapshots to social media
Nokia Research Centre, Palo Alto, USA (7.10.2010)

Panel member in "Slow Science? Fast Science? How Pace Matters in Science"
UC Santa Cruz, USA (6.10.2010)

Building sustainable infrastructures
UC Berkeley, USA (4.10.2010)

From snapshots to social media
HIIT seminar on Interactive computing (5.5.2010)

A Socio-Technical History of Snapshot Photography
DWRC, University of Surrey, UK (8.12.2009)

Self-Made Media
TUE, Eindhoven, Netherlands (20.5.2009)

Why should designers care about infrastructure?
Middlesex University, UK (1.5.2009)

Mobile and Metadata Systems for Self-Made Media
Department of Computing, University of Surrey, UK (18.2.2009)


Last updated on 7 May 2014 by Risto Sarvas - Page created on 30 Nov 2007 by Risto Sarvas