The Academy of Finland and the National Science Foundation (NSF) have granted funding for a joint project by HIIT and the Carnegie Mellon University (CMU).
The project aims at providing a systematic understanding and designs of cross-layer cognitive IoT strategies that provide system-level resilience to faults in sensing and communication despite the unreliability and the limited field- of-view of the underlying IoT devices (as shown above). This understanding will be obtained by providing (i) fundamental performance limits; (ii) theoretical analyses of performance of designed strategies; and (iii) validation through realistic simulations of practical inference problems.
The project is titled "Efficient and Robust Cognitive IoT Systems using Unreliable Sensors", and the principal investigators are Assoc Prof Teemu Roos (HIIT) and Asst Prof Pulkit Grover (CMU). The two-year project belongs to the Wireless Innovation between Finland and US (WiFiUS) virtual institute.
More information:
Teemu Roos, [email protected]
Information, Complexity and Learning (ICL) research group
Last updated on 13 Apr 2017 by Teemu Roos - Page created on 13 Apr 2017 by Teemu Roos