This event feed aggregates content from the Research Events feeds from the Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT, Aalto University Department of Computer Science, and the University of Helsinki Department of Computer Science.
02.12.2011 10:15–11:00
HIIT seminar
Kumpula Exactum B222
29.11.2011 10:15–11:00
Guest lecture
Exactum, B119TITLE:
De-novo motif discovery in DNA sequences using parsimonious Markov modelsABSTRACT:
Computational methods for the prediction of transcription factor binding sites in DNA sequences are necessary for deepening our understanding of gene regulation and thus are of increasing interest in bioinformatics and computational genomics.We discuss de-novo motif discovery approaches based on...
25.11.2011 10:15–11:00
HIIT seminar
Kumpula Exactum B222
21.11.2011 12:00–13:00
Guest lecture
C222 at ExactumScalable Overlay Design for Topic-Based Publish/Subscribe Systems and Fast Overlay Construction Algorithms
Prof. Roman Vitenberg
University of OsloABSTRACT
Pub/sub is a paradigm for asynchronous communication that is commonly used in a great variety of industrial applications, such as news tickers, delivery of financial data, Military applications, and many others. While client-server...
18.11.2011 12:15–14:00
D123NODES seminar is open to all.
The presentations cover the research topics of networking and services specialization area.
Jesse Lankila: Popularity in User-Generated Content
Seppo Hätönen: -- to be announced later --
This Fall's last seminar will be on Friday 9.12 at 12.15 -14.00 in D123...
16.11.2011 13:15–14:00
Guest lecture
Exactum B222Sampling Massive Online Graphs: Challenges, Techniques, and Applications to Facebook
Maciej Kurant
University of California, IrvineAbstract
Online Social Networks (OSNs) have recently emerged as a new killer application, and are of interest to a number of communities, ranging from computer science and engineering to social sciences. Because of their sheer size (Facebook alone has more than 800...
09.11.2011 17:00–20:00
Other event
Linus Torvalds -auditorio (B123)Syksyn Startup, 9.11. klo 17-20, Linus Torvalds -auditoriossa
Helsingin yliopiston tietojenkäsittelytieteen laitoksen alumniyhdistys TKT-alumni ry järjestää perinteisen Syksyn Startup -tilaisuuden. Tilaisuudessa laitoksellamme opiskelleet ja sieltä valmistuneet kertovat mitä nykyään touhuavat. Tyypillisesti kyseessä itse perustettu kasvuyritys.
07.11.2011 00:00–11.11.2011 00:00
Other event
PorvooThe University of Helsinki (together with Hecse and HIIT) will organize an international autumn school on computational creativity. We cordially invite PhD and MSc students and researchers who are interested in being introduced to various aspects of computational creativity by experts in the field. More information and registration at http://www.cs....
04.11.2011 10:15–11:00
HIIT seminar
Kumpula Exactum B222
27.10.2011 14:15–16:00
Exactum B120Niko Välimäki will give a talk:
Title: Efficient Path Kernels for Reaction Function Prediction
Abstract: Kernels for structured data are rapidly becoming an essential part of the machine learning toolbox. Graph kernels provide similarity measures for complex relational objects, such as molecules and enzymes. Graph kernels based on walks are popular due their fast computation but their predictive...