Helsinki ICT Research Events

This event feed aggregates content from the Research Events feeds from the Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT, Aalto University Department of Computer Science, and the University of Helsinki Department of Computer Science.

  • 03.05.2013 10:15–11:00
    HIIT seminar
    Aalto University, Computer Science Building, lecture hall **T2**

    The potential of computers as interactive tools that support a large
    variety of users in a growing range of tasks is constantly increasing.
    However, designing complex interactive systems that
    satisfy the needs of individual users from highly heterogeneous user
    groups is very difficult. This talk focuses on research that aims to

  • Monitoring sleep quality with non-invasive sensors

    M.Sc. Ola Rinta-Koski, Aalto University


    Sleep is an important part of health and well-being. While sleep quantity is directly measurable, sleep quality has traditionally been assessed with subjective methods such as questionnaires. The study of sleep disorders has for a long time been confined to clinical environments, and patients have had to endure cumbersome procedures involving multiple electrodes placed on the body....

  • 29.04.2013 13:15–14:00
    HIIT seminar
    Aalto University, Computer Science Building, T2

    Sleep is an important part of health and well-being. While sleep quantity is directly measurable, sleep quality has traditionally been assessed with subjective methods such as questionnaires.  The study of sleep disorders has for a long time been confined to clinical environments, and patients have had to endure cumbersome procedures involving multiple electrodes placed on the body....

  • 26.04.2013 12:00–14:00
    Other event

    The students on our Interactive Systems course will be presenting demonstrations of their project work. Please come along and try out some of the great demos focusing on multimodal interaction, sensor based systems, augmented reality and multi-touch interaction techniques. 

  • Data Visualization

    Prof. Jack van Wijk, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands


    An overview is given of work of the visualization group of Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands. One focus of the group is to develop new visual representations that convey large amounts of data or complex phenomena effectively in short time, using techniques from computer graphics. Examples are presented using animations and demos. Most of these concern information...

  • 24.04.2013 15:15–16:00
    HIIT seminar
    Aalto University, Computer Science Building, T3

    An overview is given of work of the visualization group of Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands. One focus of the group is to develop new visual representations that convey large amounts of data or complex phenomena effectively in short time, using techniques from computer graphics. Examples are presented using animations and demos. Most of these concern information...

  • 23.04.2013 12:15–13:45
    Other event
    Exactum C222
    Sisältökeskeiset verkkoarkkitehtuurit (Information-centric Networks) ovat olleet aktiivisen tutkimuksen kohteena viimeisten viiden vuoden aikana. Perinteinen verkkoarkkitehtuuri perustuu verkkosolmujen väliselle kommunikoille käyttäen verkkotopologiaan pohjautuvia IP-osoitteita. Tästä on seurannut haasteita esimerkiksi liittyen mobiliteettiin, sisällön saavutettavuuteen ja...
  • Feeling like a Guest (or a Host): the Affective Encounters of Collaborative Hospitality

    Prof. Jennie Germann Molz, College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA


    In this talk, I explore the affective dimension of online hospitality exchange networks such as Couchsurfing and Airbnb. These websites are emblematic of a shift in tourism and hospitality toward forms of ?emotional tourism? and ?intimate mobility? (see Bialski 2007, 2013) that play into desires to feel...

  • 22.04.2013 13:15–14:00
    HIIT seminar
    Aalto University, Computer Science Building, T2

    In this talk, I explore the affective dimension of online hospitality exchange networks such as Couchsurfing and Airbnb. These websites are emblematic of a shift in tourism and hospitality toward forms of ‘emotional tourism’ and ‘intimate mobility’ (see Bialski 2007, 2013) that play into desires to feel like a local or make an emotional connection. The intersecting...

  • Hexagon crypto

    Dr. Billy Brumley, Qualcomm Technologies, Inc., USA


    Qualcomm's Snapdragon System on Chip (SoC) integrates many microprocessors with varying degrees of use case specific optimization. At one end of the spectrum lies Qualcomm's Krait application processor, a general-purpose CPU handling operating system tasks such as Android applications. At the other end lies Qualcomm's Hexagon Digital Signal Processor (DSP) designed to allow multimedia and communication...


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