Helsinki ICT Research Events

This event feed aggregates content from the Research Events feeds from the Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT, Aalto University Department of Computer Science, and the University of Helsinki Department of Computer Science.

  • 08.05.2013 12:00–16:00
    Doctoral dissertation
    University of Helsinki Main Building, Auditorium XII, Unioninkatu 34

    The causal relationships determining the behaviour of a system under study are inherently directional: by manipulating a cause we can control its effect, but an effect cannot be used to control its cause. Understanding the network of causal relationships is necessary, for example, if we want to predict the behaviour in settings where the system is subject to...

  • 07.05.2013 14:15–15:00
    HIIT seminar
    C222 (Exactum, Kumpula)


    Prof. Ioannis Tsamardinos (Head of the Bioinformatics Laboratory at ICS‐FORTH in Greece) will serve as Antti Hyttinen's PhD defence opponent, and during his visit he will give a talk
    Tuesday, May 7th, at 14.15 in C222 (Exactum, Kumpula)
  • Enformation Theory - "Physical Vitalism"

    Prof. Heikki Hyotyniemi, Finland


    Enformation is "energetic information": being a form of energy, it has the capacity to make changes in the world. In this way, it defines "natural semantics" that gives meaning to emergent structures (but no purpose). Following the enformation flow it turns out that the diversity in natural systems, for example, can be explained in a novel way in terms of new kinds of "emergent ecolockers".


  • 06.05.2013 13:15–14:00
    HIIT seminar
    Aalto University, Computer Science Building, T2

    Heikki Hyötyniemi, Dr.Tech, was a professor of automation technology at Helsinki University of Technology from 2001 until his early retirement in 2009. An author of some 200 publications, his early research interests included artificial neural networks and methods of artificial intelligence in general; later, his studies have expanded into the fields of natural philosophy, trying to...

  • 06.05.2013 11:15–11:45
    Exactum D122

    Dr. Amaury Lendasse will give a demonstration lecture for a position of university lecturer in computer science, in particular computational data-analysis.

  • 06.05.2013 10:15–10:45
    Exactum D122

    Dr. Juha Kärkkäinen will give a demonstration lecture for a position of university lecturer in computer science, in particular computational data-analysis.

  • Master of Arts Melih Kandemir will defend his doctoral dissertation Learning Mental States from Biosignals on 4 May 2013 in Auditorium D (Main building). The opponent is Associate Professor Cristina Conati, University of British Columbia, Canada. The custodian is Prof. Samuel Kaski.

    Announcement (fi, PDF)

  • 04.05.2013 12:00–16:00
    Doctoral dissertation
    Aalto-yliopiston perustieteiden korkeakoulun auditorio D, Otakaari 1, Espoo

    Nykypäivän monimutkaiset tiedon tarpeet edellyttävät uudenaikaisia rajapintoja ja käyttöliittymiä ihmisen ja koneen väliseen vuorovaikutukseen. Tässä väitöskirjassa tutkitaan erästä lähes taianomaista vuorovaikutuksen periaatetta, tekoälyohjelmia, jotka ymmärtävät käyttäjää tarkkailemalla hänen...

  • M.Sc. Jarkko Ylipaavalniemi will defend his doctoral dissertation Data-driven Analysis for Natural Studies in Functional Brain Imaging on 3 May 2013 in lecture hall T2 (Computer Science building). The opponent is Prof. Klaus-Robert Müller, Technical University of Berlin, Germany. The custodian is Prof. Erkki Oja.

    Announcement (fi, PDF)

  • Who are my users and how i can help them? The quest of user-adaptive interaction

    Prof. Cristina Conati, University of British Columbia, Canada


    The Web and the rapidly increasing availability of sophisticated media have dramatically enhanced the potential of computers as interactive tools that support a large variety of users in a growing range of tasks. However, designing complex interactive systems that satisfy the needs of individual users from highly heterogeneous user...


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