Helsinki ICT Research Events

This event feed aggregates content from the Research Events feeds from the Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT, Aalto University Department of Computer Science, and the University of Helsinki Department of Computer Science.

  • 21.03.2013 16:00–20:30
    Alumni event
    Kumpula campus

    The annual alumni event of the Kumpula Campus will be held on Thursday March 21st. The joint programme will start in Physicum at 18:00, and will continue with a cocktail reception at 19:00, ending at 20:30. Before the joint programme the departments have an opportunity to organize their own programme at 16-18, and the details of our programme  can be found on our alumni...

  • 20.03.2013 14:15–15:30
    Guest lecture
    Room DK116, Exactum Buildung, Kumpula

    Title: Density Ratio Estimation in Machine Learning

    Abstract: In statistical machine learning, avoiding density estimation is essential because it is often more difficult than solving a target machine learning problem itself. This is often referred to as Vapnik's principle, and the support vector machine is one of the successful realizations of this principle. Following this spirit, a new...

  • M.Sc. Nima Reyhani will defend his doctoral dissertation Studies on kernel learning and independent component analysis on 19 March 2013 in lecture hall TU1 (TUAS building). The opponent is Prof. Masashi Sugiyama, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan. THe custodian is Prof. Erkki Oja.

    Announcement (fi, pdf)

  • Divergence estimation for machine learning

    Prof. Masashi Sugiyama, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan


    Estimation of a divergence between two probability distributions from two sets of data samples is a fundamental challenge in statistical machine learning. An accurate divergence estimator can be used for various purposes such as two-sample homogeneity testing, unsupervised change-point detection in time series, and semi-supervised class balance estimation under class-...

  • 15.03.2013 12:00–16:00
    Doctoral dissertation
    lecture hall AS1, Otaniementie 17, Espoo

    Aktiiviset käyttäjäyhteisöt, ketterä kehitys, digitaaliset jalanjäljet, vertaistuotanto ja edullinen verkon kautta tapahtuva ohjelmistojakelu kohtaavat sosiaalisessa mediassa tavalla, joka muuttaa käyttäjien osallistamisen pelisääntöjä nettipohjaisten palveluiden suunnittelussa. Väitöskirja kysyy, ovatko tärkeimmät käyttäjien osallistamisen...

  • Hiit-Wide Focus Area: Interactive Intent Modelling for Exploratory Search

    Dr. Tuukka Ruotsalo, HIIT


    The talk discusses the efforts undertaken in one of the two HIIT-Wide Focus Areas: Augmented Research. It is an interdisciplinary research initiative in which researchers at HIIT combine their expertise in Human-Computer Interaction, Machine Learning, Information Retrieval, and Ubiquitous Computing with a target to augment scientific information access using computation. The...

  • 11.03.2013 13:15–14:00
    HIIT seminar
    Aalto University, Computer Science Building, T2

    The talk discusses the efforts undertaken in one of the two HIIT-Wide Focus Areas: Augmented Research. It is an interdisciplinary research initiative in which researchers at HIIT combine their expertise in Human-Computer Interaction, Machine Learning, Information Retrieval, and Ubiquitous Computing with a target to augment scientific information access using computation. The first part of...

  • M.Sc. Risto Hakala will defend his doctoral dissertation Results on Linear Models in Cryptography on 8 March 2013 in lecture hall AS1 (TUAS building). The opponents are Prof. Gregor Leander, Technical University of Denmark and Prof. Willi Meier, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland. The custodian is Prof. Kaisa Nyberg.

    Announcement (fi, pdf)

  • Differential and cube attacks on some stream ciphers

    Prof. Willi Meier, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland, Switzerland


    Synchronous stream ciphers are commonly used in applications with high throughput requirements or on hardware devices with restricted resources. Well known stream ciphers are A5/1, used in GSM, RC4, used in SSL, or E0 as specified in Bluetooth, but also some block cipher modes of operation.

    Differential cryptanalysis...

  • Data processing methods for detecting damages in structures with wireless sensors

    Dr. Janne Toivola, Aalto University


    The talk summarizes our contribution in the multidisciplinary research project, called Intelligent Structural Health Monitoring System (ISMO), where the goal was to combine wireless sensor network technology with applied mechanics and machine learning. Our approach is data-driven, i.e., not relying on accurate geometrical/physics-based models of the...


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