Helsinki ICT Research Events

This event feed aggregates content from the Research Events feeds from the Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT, Aalto University Department of Computer Science, and the University of Helsinki Department of Computer Science.

  • 12.10.2012 10:15–16:15
    Other event
    Exactum room D122


    The "Finnish Grid Infrastructure Road Show" will be in Kumpula next
    Friday 12.10.2012. There will be presentations and hands on training
    sessions for new FGI grid users and others who might be interested.

    The detailed programme can be round at:

  • 09.10.2012 12:15–13:45
    Guest lecture

    Abstract: A fundamental task in distributed systems (like the Internet) is to determine efficient routing paths between all pairs of nodes. For efficiency reasons, one frequently resorts to constructing approximate shortest path based on new node labels that encapsulate some hints on a node's location in its name. While the optimal trade-off between routing tables size and approximation ratio is fairly well-understood in this...

  • 04.10.2012 09:15–10:00
    Exactum DK117

    Dr. Antti Honkela has applied for a tenure track position at Department of Computer Science and will demonstrate his teaching skill by a lecture on Introduction to algorithms and machine learning. The lecture is public, but other applicants for the position should not attend.

  • 03.10.2012 14:15–15:00
    Guest lecture
    Exactum C220

    Dr. Thomas Sauerwald (Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik, Saarbrücken) will give a guest lecture on Randomized load balancing on networks.


    We consider the problem of balancing load items (tokens) on networks. Starting with an arbitrary load distribution, we allow in each round nodes to exchange tokens with their neighbors. The goal is to obtain a...

  • 02.10.2012 12:15–13:00
    Exactum B121

    Dr. Thomas Sauerwald has applied for a tenure track position at Department of Computer Science and will demonstrate his teaching skill by giving a lecture Online machine learning. The lecture is public, but other applicants for the position should not attend.

  • 02.10.2012 09:15–10:00
    Exactum C222

    Dr. Teemu Roos has applied for a tenure track position at Department of Computer Science and will demonstrate his teaching skill by giving a lecture Algorithms and machine learning. The lecture is public, but other applicants for the position should not attend.

  • 27.09.2012 10:15–11:00
    Guest lecture
    Exactum B222


    Nanotechnology is enabling the development of devices in a scale ranging from one to a few one hundred nanometers. Nanonetworks, i.e., the interconnection of nano-scale devices, are expected to expand the capabilities of single nano-machines by allowing them to cooperate and share information. Traditional communication technologies are not directly suitable for nanonetworks mainly due to the size and power...

  • 30.08.2012 10:15–11:00
    Guest lecture
    Exactum B222

    Over the last decade, the security research community has come to
    recognize the importance of simultaneously achieving usability and
    security goals when designing new protocols, applications and systems
    for ordinary non-specialist users in the mass market.  Often the
    primary motivation (from the perspective of designers) for usable
    security arises when lack thereof will lead to a...

  • 24.08.2012 10:15–10:40
    Exactum, B222

    Dr. Teemu Kivioja will give a public test lecture titled "Sequencing methods for analyzing transcription" as part of his application for docentship in bioinformatics.


  • 22.08.2012 09:00–16:00
    Exactum, C222

    Summer employees at Department of Computer Science (UH) and at HIIT / Kumpula give presentations on their summer projects.

    Mobile session, chair Petteri Nurmi
    9.15 Guo Haipeng: Personality Prediction on Mobile Devices
    9.30 Tony Kovanen: Mobility prediction
    9.45 Yina Ye: Eye Tracking
    10.00 Miika Siren: Persuasive Mobility
    10.15 Coffee break

    Art session, chair Hannu Toivonen


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