This event feed aggregates content from the Research Events feeds from the Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT, Aalto University Department of Computer Science, and the University of Helsinki Department of Computer Science.
Design Challenges in DNA Origami for Biomedicine
Prof. Björn Högberg, Karolinska Institutet, Swedish Medical Nanoscience Center, Sweden
Abstract:Using DNA, we are able to rationally design and manufacture artificial nanostructures with high precision. In the future, the method will become useful for creating tools for studying molecular interaction and cell signaling as well as potential systems for diagnostics and therapeutics. The outlines of the technology for 3D and 2D...
24.11.2012 13:00–15:00
University of Helsinki, Fabianinkatu 33, S3This workshop is organized by HIIT researchers in cooperation with two start-ups. It brings together entrepreneurs and social scientists to discuss how to make room for mutual beneficial collaboration between technology start-ups and social scientists. Countless technology start-ups develop services with the aim to support a variety of social interactions. Social psychological research...
24.11.2012 10:00–12:00
University of Helsinki, Fabianinkatu 33, S3HIITin tutkijat esittelevät tuoretta tutkimusta Sosiaalipsykologian päivillä 24.11. "Sosiaalinen,...
23.11.2012 15:00–16:15
Guest lecture
Open Innovation HouseThis is the opening lecture of Helsinki Distinguished Lecture Series on Future Information Technology.
Registration: send email by November 16, 2013 to
22.11.2012 10:15–11:15
HIIT seminar
Kumpula Exactum C220Incomplete-information games - such as most auctions, negotiations, card games, and future security games - cannot be solved using minimax search; rather, totally different algorithms are needed. I will overview our work on incomplete-information games from the last seven years. I will start by discussing lossless and lossy abstraction algorithms. I will present brand new results on the first...
22.11.2012 10:15–11:15
HIIT seminar
Exactum CK112
14.11.2012 12:00–16:00
Defence of thesis
University of Helsinki, Main Building, Hall 13, Fabianinkatu 33
09.11.2012 14:15–16:00
Guest lecture
B222Google SRE - Engineering Reliability
Google's Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) is responsible for running the company's services with high quality standards. These services include Web Search, GMail, Youtube, Google+, Google Maps and many others. The talk explains the purpose and challenges that SRE faces.
The talk content is aligned for students in the following courses: Distributed Systems and Server...
31.10.2012 15:00–19:00
Student event
Kumpulan kampusHyppää tieteen maailmaan ja herkuttele luonnontieteillä Kumpulan tiedekampuksella!
Tiedebasaari käynnistyy ke 31.10. klo 15.00 (-19) Physicumin aulassa ja koostuu useista kymmenistä tapahtumarasteista Chemicumissa, Exactumissa ja
Physicumissa. Rasteilla esitellään "avoimet ovet" -periaatteella kampuksen opetusta, tutkimusta ja vapaa-aikaa... -
23.10.2012 10:00–11:30
Discussion event
Exactum A111Welcome!